Multimedia/Level Agency

Animated Banners 728x90, 300x250, 160x600 (Level Agency)
"Branding / Marketing / Advertising"
Triality,LLC is responsible for the concept, design, rapid-prototyping, branding
and finalization of this banner ad campaign.
(Apps: Strata 3D / Illustrator / Photoshop / Animate/Flash)
(Skills: 3D Illustration / Animation)
CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD the FlashPlayer PC/Mac and the .swf's to the banners below.
Banners 728x90, 300x250, 160x600 (Level Agency)
"Needing A Re-Branding Solution"
Level Agency had deployed these banners below but weren't getting the click-thru rates that were targeted for the campaign.
I was tasked with "improving them" by animating them. I decided to scrap the direction they had already gone, graphically
speaking, there was no improving what was not going to work in the first place.

The banners were too dark of color AND content, the font choice flat, text layout uninspiring, my reasoning was they weren't
getting hits because no one could tell it was addressing them. "Who pays for marketing/advertising and controls the budget?",
I'm certain it isn't sharks, spiders, eyeballs, light bulbs or fingerprints. Their design department definitely went too literal in the
messaging and imagery, the mission needed a fresh approach, something iconic, memorable and easily recognizable.

The design needed a new color pallet identifiable as part of the digital industry, logo re-imagining, stronger brand appeal
and visual cohesion. I also used appropriate diverse images their target audience could relate to and respond positively to
the banner call-to-action.